Just a little heads-up that I have a new design for my blog. I hope you like it :)
This past weekend, my dad and I (well, mostly my dad, LOL! I'm not as handy as I wish I was) made a lightbox for me! I've wanted one for ages, and with the help of my dad I was able to get a sturdy one that'll last a lifetime. ♥ I have many hobbies, and most include photography to some degree, so it's fun being able to take nice pictures with a calm background and hardly any shadows.
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Happy Birthday - it sure is one happy polish! |
Here's a test shot I did yesterday - natural light only (if only we had this much light every day! Sometimes my pictures are going to be on less white background until I find 3 good, cold/white-lighted lamps), no flash or lamps. I did edit it on the computer though, so I've eliminated a few grey areas, but who cares? It's much easier to end up with a good looking result now :)
Any comments on the new design is much appreciated, I love hearing what you guys think!
♥ Vettelicious
Er helt vild med din nye header - en er virkelig flot! :)
SvarSletI love your new design and lightbox! Can you send me a link to the tutorial you used/tell me how you did it? Just can't find a good one anywhere! :)
SvarSletSynes det ser flot ud med det sorte :D Har også været træt af kun at se turkis på min blog i noget tid, men har bare ikke gjort noget ved det endnu, måske der også snart sker lidt der??
SvarSletOg tillykke med lyskassen, viser du den ikke frem, ville elske at se hvad i er kommet op med :)
Thank you both! :)
SvarSletKathrin, jeg var ved at få grå hår over at sammensætte den med paint, haha! Er virkelig glad for du kan lide den :)
Lois, I'm afraid I'd have no idea how to explain in english, LOL! Too many technical terms.. But there is many great tutorials out there, I'd suggest looking at 4 or 5 and make one from the best parts of the tutorials :) Use wood for extra sturdyness, though a cardboard one is good to try out first!
If you search google for lightbox + photography, a lot of good tutorials pops up, like this one:
Hope this helps :)
Solensdanserinde, takker! Ja, man trænger til at se lidt nye farver lige pludselig :) Pøj pøj hvis du beslutter dig for at lave nyt tema! ;)
SvarSletHaha, tror ikke lige der bliver taget billeder af monsteret foreløbig - skal vi ikke bare sige, det er en hvid træbox med huller i siderne, den er ikke så køn, men den virker! :)
Great design, I love the head picture. :D So cute! Can you share with me how you do such pictures? I love them and I'd love to have one of my own, but I can't figure out which program you magicians use for those. :)
SvarSletAnd great lightbox shot! How strong are your lightbulbs? Because the lighting seems very strong, much stronger than with my lightbox, adn I'm usuing two 60W. Or is your lighbox smaller than mine? :) Thanks for the answers, sorry for being so curious. :)
Hov, nu har du da fået lavet en header! Den er da rigtig flot! Og flotte neglelakker du har valgt.
SvarSletDin lysboks ser ud til at fungere ret godt. Sikke en smart ting at have :D
Ulmiel, thank you! :) Don't excuse yourself, I love doing my best to help! For the header I used... Paint, lol. Simple, nerve-wrecking paint. It took me a while though! I took pictures of the different polishes, resized, also the drawing to the right, and combined them and drew the black lines to make it look a little better.
SvarSletAs for the lightbox, I still haven't found good enough bulbs.. I want them with white light, but they're hard to come by around here. I took that picture with natural sunlight :) Afterwards, I remove all of the yellowness I can with a photo editing software, then adjust the light. No magic there! Hope this helps :)
Coewless, tusind tak! Det tog en krig, så skal afgjort prøve Picasa næste gang :) Og ja, en lysboks er rigtig dejlig, jeg glæder mig til jeg får tid til at shoppe lidt forskelligt karton til baggrund!
Fedt billede og som skrevet i en anden post, vildt sej header ;D Og tak fordi du har skiftet til sort, det er nu bare mere behageligt for øjnene at se på :P
SvarSletThanks for the answer! :) On the bulbs, try Phillips daylight bulbs, i think they're the best and at least here in Slovenia the cheapest bulbs with daylight light.
SvarSletHaha, tak RijaH! Ja, den lyse turkis skrift begyndte at genere mig når jeg læste indlæggene igennem - hvor torturagtigt har det så ikke været for jer stakkels læsere ;) Og farven var bare ved at være belastende også.
SvarSletUlmiel, I will def. try to find those - for now I can settle with pics taken in natural light, but if I can find the bulbs I would be delighted to be able to take pics at the evening as well! :)