I've been inspired by Neglenymferne and Coewless who both made such amazing frankens lately. If you haven't seen these blogs before, I suggest you take a look now, there's some really sweet girls behind them and they often update with gorgeous tempting colours and artistic manicures :)
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Frankie wants to meet Galaxy |
Frankie wants to meet Galaxy is a sheer grey base packed with all kinds of glitter (like I said, I was very inspired by the above mentioned). There's silver holographic sparkles, blue and dark blue glitters, silver glitters and a few large glitters here and there.
I used many polishes to create this - Manhattan 101S, Essence - Julia, Catherine Arley 676, two nail art pens with blue glitter, and the base is a cheap clear topcoat.
I decided that it should be a polish made for layering only, so I never intended it to be able to build opaque. I also wanted to be able to use it on various base colours with a darkened effect, so that's why I mixed in the grey. While creating this, I was also thinking of Lippmann's Today was a Fairytale, a polish I hope I'll have one day. I love glitters in sheer but toned base colours.
As for the name, it might sound silly to you, but I'm a child at heart and I have another hobby I don't often speak about - collecting vintage My Little Pony toys from around the world. You might remember how MLPs had a symbol on their hips? One of my favourite ponies is called Galaxy (I've used her for a design previously), and this franken reminded me of a starry night. When I'm out at night, I always look for Big Dipper (Karlsvognen), it's my favourite constellation, always has been. And so I thought it'd be an appropriate name. :)
I knew I had to try it on immediately, so I found my Black Creme from Wet'n'Wild and started with a coat of that (after using my basecoat of course). Then I used one coat of Frankie wants to meet Galaxy, and decided I didn't need more for the effect I was going for. :) Two coats would've given a more even glitter when there's no light to catch the holo particles.
Here's the result in various light, and I'm pretty satisfied with it overall. Now I can wear the night sky with me all the time ♥
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Franken wants to meet Galaxy - indoor, lightbox + flash |
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Franken wants to meet Galaxy - indoor, natural light |
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Franken wants to meet Galaxy -sunlight |
I think the polish turned out okay - I wish I had more big sparkles to add, but then again it wouldn't like like a real night sky - after all I was going for the scattered glitter. The reason I don't want it to be a regular black holo without the scattered glitter? I wanted a sparkly polish that would also make a pretty indoor look. In my opinion regular black holos look so dull indoor, and a few glitters took care of that.
Sorry for the funny picture sizes, I know it looks totally silly, but I'm too tired to work with them right now. I wanted to show the different faces of this franken - personally, the indoor no light is my favourite, although it does look divine when light catches the holo sparkles.
I'm excited to hear your opinions, and don't be shy - if you think it could need some work, LMK so I can improve! Or if you just plain don't like it, I'm totally okay with that as well :)
♥ Vettelicious
(thank god I decided to make a few posts in advance - I've been sick the past two days)
(thank god I decided to make a few posts in advance - I've been sick the past two days)
Søde ord, :D
SvarSletDen er simpelthen bare super fed. Synes det er sjovest at lave glitter frankens, for der kan man bare gøre næsten hvad man vil uden at det bliver helt skidt. Men er helt vild med din blanding :D Mere af den slags :D
mvh Sussi
This is an amazing franken! LOVE IT!
SvarSletCongrats, it's an awesome polish, girl!! It looks it's best in the natural light indoors, and that kind of polish is by far my favourite - you know, when you don't need to stand on the sun to capture it's beauty. It's a great one, really, I'd layer it over everything. :D
SvarSletAw, tak for det søde shout out! Og i lige måde da!
SvarSletSuper flot franken! Det ser virkelig godt ud med de forskellige størrelser glitter.Og det er virkelig flot holo der er i den!
Og hvor er der bare en sød historie bag navnet :D
Den ser virkelig fed ud :D Jeg har bestilt en masse tomme flasker så jeg skal også se og prøve snart :D
SvarSletThanks everyone! :)
SvarSletSussi, takker mange gange :) Og i lige måde da, hehe, du kan bare det der med frankens ;)
Ulmiel, thanks so much! Indoor's my fav as well - I must admit that I prefer glitters that look amazing in all kinds of light over holos - for now at least LOL. I might change my mind during Summer ;)
Coewless, tusind tak! Det er somme tider svært at fortælle om min lidt anderledes hobby, men det er vel ikke værre end at samle på modeltog eller hvad ved jeg. Desuden er det også fedt at holde ved noget fra ens barndom, det er så hyggeligt <3 Det fylder meget af min fritid (har i hvert fald gjort - det er tidskrævende at gøre dem i stand osv), så det kan ikke undgå at påvirke min neglelakfeber lidt :)
Takker Rijah! Ihh hvor spændende, jeg skal også have bestilt nogen - er ved at løbe tør for gamle, brugte neglelakker jeg kan bruge ;) Glæder mig vildt til at se hvad du finder på!
SvarSletooh! how. beautiful!!!! :)
SvarSletDen er bare for skøn, elsker de firkantede glimmere ❤