Today I'll be showing one of my latest purchases!
I've been eagerly waiting for Gosh to get a Spring/Summer display up, and last week my nearest drugstore had the new laqcuers in! They don't have a display, though, which I find a bit odd, they were tucked in with the regular display. It is incredibly hard to find anything about this collection, so I don't have much to tell about it. I found a picture on Google and I assume it's a stock photo, but if you took it, LMK so I can credit you or remove as you please
Image found on Google |
The new collection consists of four shades:
# Neon Baby
# Lavender Love
# Misty Mauve
# Groovy Grey
I recently bought Lavender Love which I'll be showing in a swatch party post in a few days ( swatching is fun, though editing takes time, lol), and Groovy Grey - while the two pinks looked sweet and fresh, as of now I don't feel the need to buy them (these are approx. 12$ each!). Maybe next time they are BOGO! :)
So, today is all about Groovy Grey. This is, to me, the star of the collection - as soon as I saw it, I thought about buying a back-up, LOL. It's a greige kind of colour - and I know you will immediately think of a certain dupe when seeing it, so stay tuned for a comparison!
I used my basecoat, NailTek II, and - make sure you see this - ONE average to thick coat of Groovy Grey - yes, it's a one-coater! Light will shine through your tip at this stage, so if you want it completely opaque, no light what-so-ever to shine through, two coats are needed, but I rarely build to that opaque level. I don't flash my nails directly on top of bright lamps, LOL! As long as my nail line isn't visible, I'm happy.
I decided to take two pictures and combine, since this polish can look warm and cold, depending on the light. In real life, it's closest to the picture on the left, but it was very hard to photograph IMO.
Gosh Groovy Grey - flash (left) & shade (right) |
Isn't it beautiful? This is, without doubt, a perfect neutral colour ♥ I can see myself wearing this a lot! It'll be perfect for when I need a break from fancy, bright colours and darks ♥
Now, if you made it this far without thinking of Lippmann - Waking Up In Vegas, huge applause, LOL! I decided to do a comparison since I bet a few of you are interested.. Or so I hope, anyway ;) I also included another favourite of mine, H&M's Happy Grey. This one contains shimmer, so it's not a dupe, but colourwise, I was interested in seeing them side by side.
The three lacquers side by side..
Lippmann Vegas, Gosh Groovy Grey, H&M Happy Grey |
And swatches on my nailwheel:
Lippmann Vegas, Gosh Groovy Grey, H&M Happy Grey |
Close, yet so different! I think the small differences make a huge difference comparing to one's skin tone. Don't mind the stripes in the nails, it's the lightbox + flash that created them. As much as I love Lippmann's, I think Groovy Grey won me over for Spring.. It feels a little less thick/heavy on the nails, so to say, and the colour is a bit warmer too. Happy Grey is a pearl in my collection as well, since the shimmer is incredibly cute. All in all I'm a huge fan of these :)
What do you think about Gosh's new collection? Do you own either of the above mentioned greige polishes? If you own similar colours, let me know as well since I want more of these neutrals! :D
♥ Vetten