onsdag den 1. juni 2011

New blog & giveaway reminder

Hi guys!

Just a little reminder of my blog transfer - I update my blog on this address, http://vettelicious.com/ 

It appears that some, if not most of you, don't see my new posts on their news-feed/blogroll/blogs-they're-following-list in blogger. I made a test-profile and it works on that one, but if you don't see my new posts you can try un-following and re-follow, it should do the trick :)

Also a reminder of my giveaway which is ending soon - I'm giving a homemade ring away, all you have to do is comment on this post! Open international of course, and the ring design is of your choice :) 

Hope to see you on my new blog addy, if you haven't moved already!

- Vetten

1 kommentar:

  1. It appears that some, if not most of you, don't see my new posts on their news-feed/blogroll/blogs-they're-following-list in blogger. I made a test-profile and it works on that one, but if you don't see my new posts you can try un-following and re-follow, it should do the trick :)
    Check this
    This Link
    My Blog
    This Page
