What started as a crappy day with a headache forcing me to stay home, turned into a great day when the mailman rang the doorbell (and not only because that means he has a package, it also means he's learned to use it LOL). And not just any package..
The package. The one I've been the most excited about all month, including polishes that has kept me drooling, dreaming and sighing for a long time! An amazing friend in the US helped me get them - I owe her a million hugs and at least as many thank-you's, without her help I would've never gotten them ♥ If you've noticed my blogs new header (of course you have!), you've seen 3 of them. I have seriously never longed as a much for any make-up as I have for Lippmann's glitter polishes. I saw them on NegleNymfernes blog this summer, and nearly threw a fit when I realised they would be hard (and expensive) to get my fingers on.
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Bad Romance, Happy Birthday & Across the Universe |
My quest to get Happy Birthday, Bad Romance and Across the Universe has ended. I am still thinking about Today Was A Fairytale, but right now I feel pretty content with these three (and I should be ashamed if I didn't, right?). I hope Lippmann continues to make more gorgeous, dazzling glitters, I feel like stuffing an entire cabinet with these pretties. Imagine the entire rainbow represented in these glitters? ♥
I finally figured out how to do better macro-shots with my camera, so I included one of each for you. I will save these for a special occassion or a day I really need a pick-me-up, so for now they will remain unused.
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Deborah Lippmann - Bad Romance |
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Deborah Lippmann - Happy Birthday |
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Deborah Lippmann - Across the Universe |
Finding a favourite between these three is hard. I know I am more thrilled about Across The Universe and Happy Birthday than Bad Romance, but between those two it's a tie. They are both equally amazing, Across being a dazzling colour combo and Happy being so funky and unique.
Now for the three last polishes in the package. I'm sure everyone knows about the Venomous Villains collection collab MAC made with Disney by now, it has been out for a while. I was sure I could buy it online, but since I'm don't have a pro-thingy, they got sold out before the official release (ask me if I was gutted!). My hopes of getting these three already elusive polishes got a lot smaller. I had already asked my friend if she could buy the Lippmann Polishes for me, so I didn't want to trouble her further. I made a wanted ad in the (non-polish) forum, and she hooked me up with a pm saying she'd be glad to look for them! This was the day before the release I believe. She found a nearby store, and made plans to check out if they got it in her lunch break on the release day! She got a set for me, and later that day they were already sold out all over her town! I feel like the luckiest girl in the world ♥ It was so sweet of her to do it between work and everything.
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MAC Bad Fairy, Formidable and Mean & Green |
Aren't they beautiful?! They are so much prettier IRL, twinkling and shining ♥
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MAC - Bad Fairy |
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MAC - Formidable |
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MAC - Mean & Green (sorry for the quality of this pic) |
My fav of the three has to be Formidable. I can see myself wearing this one all the time (I'm thrilled there are dupes out there, this bottle won't last long LOL), the latter two are a tie. All three are amazing though, I'm super psyched about adding them to my collection! :D
That's all I have for you today, but to me it's honestly more than enough! 6 new polishes and only two hands LOL.. Which one should I try out first?
Off to rest my poor head again, see you soon!
~ Vettelicious
Jeg har også set de 3 Deborah Lippmann mange steder efterhånden og ja de er da helt vildt flotte, men oh the pain of removing :P Det er hvad der holder mig fra at købe dem, men glæder mig til at se du flasher dem :) Jeg har også M&G og Formidable på vej med posten :D
SvarSletJeg bruger sølvpapirs-metoden til at fjerne glitterneglelakker, så jeg synes ikke det er så slemt. Det er prisen for at have superspraglede negle IMO :P
SvarSletHvis ikke du kender sølvpapirs-metoden, tager man et stykke vat/køkkenrulle, fugter med neglelakfjerner, putter på fingeren. Derefter vikler man hurtigt sølvpapir rundt om, så der ikke kommer luft ind. efter en 3 minutter or so fjerner man det igen ved at trykke forsigtigt ned mod neglen og "glide det af", og så er resten ellers til at fjerne med vatpinde da det er meget opløst :)
Jojo den kender jeg skam godt.. men tålmodighed ejer jeg ikke så det gider jeg ik engang forsøge mig med haha :D Det ska efter max 2 wipes :P
SvarSletoh my goodness. this package can make ANY bad day turn great! gah! how fun! :)
SvarSletRijaH > Haha, fair nok! Må indrømme at jeg generelt går med glitterlakker længere tid (dog kun til den skaller), fordi jeg ved det bliver en langvarig proces at fjerne ;)
SvarSletThank you Katrina! I don't think I am qualified to spend that much in a while :)
soooo jealous of the lippmanns....you should get today was a fairytale too :)
SvarSletCrystaliciousss > Thank you for following my blog! :) And Today Was A Fairytale is totally on my wishlist. Next time I have enough for a few Lippmanns, it's so going to be one of them!
SvarSletI just wanted to tell you, that someone from ebay stole your picture. The seller always steals polish-pictures from blogs... it's not the first time, and i think the bloggers should stand as a unit and cantact him everytime, till he learns it that its forbidden. sorry for my bad english ;)
SvarSletHeres the article from ebay: http://www.ebay.de/itm/essence-Nagellack-nail-art-dupe-Deborah-Lippmann-polish-china-uslu-NEU-opi-glaze-/250979544465?pt=DE_Beauty_Make_Up_Make_Up&hash=item3a6f8bed91
I would like to know, if you do something!
Greets from germany!