Today's post is going to be a bit picture heavy, but I hope you don't mind ;) I have a lot to show you!
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China Glaze - Something Sweet & OPI - Teenage Dream |
Firstly, a gigantic package arrived earlier this week and from the 20+ polishes I got I'll be showing you two of them today. For the glittery result you see below I used the two polishes to the left: China Glaze - Something Sweet and the glitter is my favourite from OPI's collab with Katy Perry - Teenage Dream.
I used two coats of Something Sweet and two coats of Teenage Dream. Teenage Dream is a very dense glitter, it's base is pink and very thick but still manageable. In my experience OPI makes some great glitters and TD is certainly one of them. I can see it being pefect for light, summery manicures and I will definitely be using mine more as the weather gets better ;)
I took a picture in my lightbox of the result and it really washed out the holo effect of the glitter, so I decided to do a blurry shot so you can see why this glitter is so amazing :)
I'm pleased to say it's everything I dreamed about after seeing the promo pics/video last Winther. I had high expectations, but I was counting on it being necessary to use a base colour, so that doesn't bother me.
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ChG - Something Sweet & OPI - Teenage Dream |
My only issue with this is not the polish' fault.. I'm really disappointed to admit that this colour combination isn't "me" on it's own - it's a bit too sweet looking. In general, warm pastel colours doesn't fit my style or skintone, so I usually steer clear of pale purple and pink, but I wanted this to work so hard that I took the chance anyway. I'll be trying it with a darker base next time, perhaps a dark purple or blue.
Anyway, I wasn't going to give up with this manicure. To my luck I had just bought a spare of my one-coat black creme - Wet'n'Wild Black Creme, and I received a package from Nailtopia with some products to review, and what better time to have some fun with stickers? :)
Here's the product I'll be reviewing:
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Nailtopia Nail Strips Design LS-4 |
At 3.49£ a package, you get 3 x 30 cm strips. While I am usually very cheap when I buy nail stickers, I'd say this box is a good deal - I used approx. ½ of one strip, meaning there's enough for up to 6 manicures (depending on how many strips you want per nail ofc). And the quality is very good - they are self-adhesive and rubber-based, so you can stretch them very carefully if you cut them a few mm too short or just want the desired design to fit your nails. I was very impressed with this once I learned how to manage them with my clumsy fingers, LOL! And it's quite easy to measure how much you need, you can do this while the backing is still on.
Here's the result on my nails!
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ChG - Something Sweet, OPI - Teenage Dream, WnW Black Creme & Nailtopia nailstrips |
I love it! I topped it off with China Glaze Fast Forward to prolong the wear of the nailstrips/stickers. I'd suggest using two layers of topcoat if you want the sticker to be completely invisible, but since I'm already wearing 9 layers on my nails including all colours and base coat, I called it a day with one.
What do you think of Teenage Dream, and how do you like the design I made? :)
♥ Vetten
The nailstrips used in this post was received for review. This does not affect my opinion in any way.
Hvor er det bare flot!
SvarSletTusind tak Kathrin! :)
SvarSletSmukt :)
SvarSletEj hvor er jeg jaloux på at du har Teenage Dream! Den er super flot, og en af de neglelakker som jeg virkelig gerne vil have fat i. Men tør simpelthen ikke at bestille fra USA og den er så dyr her i Danmark! :(
SvarSletDet ser super flot ud med de der Nail Strips :)
Hold da helt ferie at har pæne negle!
SvarSletOg mega fed effekt med det sorte, det får en blonde agtig effekt.
You and I Fasion
Det lyder meget spændende med den pakke der? Glæder mig lidt til at se hva du ellers har købt :) Og super fedt den lever op til forventningerne :D Kan virkelig godt li de der strips, ser flot ud :)
SvarSletTusind tak alle sammen :)
SvarSletSM > TD er desværre også dyr fra USA efterhånden, nu da den er ved at være udsolgt alle vegne på nær ebay, så jeg ville nok overveje at give 125 kr for den hvis u finder den herhjemme... Jeg synes den er dét værd :)
Louisa > Tusind tak :)
Rijah > Ja, det er helt vildt lækkert at have en masse nye lakker at vælge imellem, min kæreste blev helt dårlig da det gik op for ham hvor mange lakker jeg har efterhånden, haha :P Har købt en lille portion cremes fra China Glaze som skal bruges til base colour til nye designs :)
Min kæreste har heldigvis indset det gode ved at hans kæreste ikke køber tøj eller sko... Det er nemlig meget billigere at købe neglelakke ;)
SvarSletHaha, den vil jeg bruge næste gang :) Han er nu også rigtig sød til at støtte op omkring det, men jeg tror ikke han forstår hvorfor jeg har så mange versioner af en farve som f.eks. mint grøn :)
SvarSletJeg tror også at jeg ender med at betale de 125kr hvis jeg ser den her i Danmark, for den er jo virkelig flot :), men har ikke fundet den nogen steder endnu!
SvarSletSkal nok sige til her på bloggen hvis jeg finder dem i DK :) Jeg mangler stadig den blå glitter fra KP kollektionen - har den i mini-udgave men den holder ikke længe. Håber OPI laver en glitter til sommer, elsker deres glitter lakke <3
SvarSletso cute, i love it :-)