In my previous post about Nfu Oh #49, Rijah suggested I should try a matte top coat on the manicure to spice it up. After wearing #49 for approx. 3 days not getting tired of the gorgeous polish but tip wear was beginning to show, I decided to give it a go and used some scotch tape to see a comparison on the nail. :)
It's always been my opinion that the duo-chrome effect becomes less obvious with a matte top coat, and even though the flakies are still looking gorgeous, I'd feel I'd miss the duo-chrome effect with an entire matte manicure. Anyway, I took some pictures to show you - what do you think? Is it prettiest with shiny, matte, or the combination of both? While it does take away some shine, the duo-chrome is definitely still there - silly me ;)
I apologise for me holding a completely unrelated (but pretty) bottle - I just picked up the easiest to reach from my lightbox. Consider it a preview of my next manicure! Oh, and ignore the tipwear - I changed the manicure after the comparison. Yay for lazyness ;)
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Nfu Oh #49 + ChG Fast Forward & Essie Matte About You - flash |
And at a different angle, taken with daylight ~
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Nfu Oh #49 + ChG Fast Forward & Essie Matte About You - daylight + lightbox |
I used Essie - Matte About You for the matte half.
While the matte top does take away some of the effect, it also adds depth and some subtle, darker colours. I'd definitely wear the combination of matte and shiny, but if I can bring myself to matte the entire manicure, I'm not sure.
Thank you Rijah for giving me the urge to try this for real (and not just one nail for fun as I've previously done). :)
Super fed effekt med det matte på skrå.. Og ser jeg noget teenage dream på billedet, hehe ?
SvarSletElsker simpelthen at komme mat toplak på glitter og flager.. *suk*
Jeg vil såååå gerne have en mat top coat. Har ikke nogen endnu. Jeg synes flakies bliver SÅ flotte med mat top coat. Det er virkelig sådan et fedt look :D
SvarSletDet nederste billede er virkelig cool ;D
Solens > Ja, det er Teenage Dream :) får forhåbentligt bikset et indlæg sammen til imorgen, har leget med den og lidt skrå design igen :)
SvarSletSussi > På billeder er jeg også helt vild med effekten, men jeg er nu mest til sparkly, shiny negle i virkeligheden :) Men kombinationen af begge er jeg i hvert fald ikke færdig med.
Coewless > Takker! :) Kan anbefale Essies matte top coat, den er virkelig lækker at arbejde med.
Ja altså jeg er jo vild med den her :D Det ser så nice ud :) Og er da bare endnu federe du har lavet den half/half :D
SvarSletwow :-)
SvarSletThanks so much, both of you :) Rijah, tror også jeg er nødt til at lege lidt mere med min matte TC for fremtiden ;)