The weather was great today and I managed to take a few pics to share! I wasn't feeling like doing my nails at all after work - I was so tired and freezing, so were looking into a date with my bed, LOL. But after a shower, a quick vacuum cleaning I felt refreshed and decided to try out my new Konad plates! But first, the Catrice swatches!
My mom bought these when they went to Germany to visit my brother (sadly there were no room in the car for me, sigh) - she's always super supportive of my hobbies and spoils me rotten when she can <3
Let's start with two super-girly colours - Princess For a Day & I Scream Peach!
#40 Princess For a Day & #170 I Scream Peach! |
And a swatch on my handy but boring swatch-wheels - these are 2 coats
#170 I Scream Peach! & #40 Princess For a Day |
I Scream Peach is more of a soft, peachy colour - like the picture of the bottle. I have no idea why the swatch pic came out so dark! They are both great formula, PFoD is a bit on the thin side, but did cover nicely with two coats.
Next up is one of my favourites, London's Weather Forecast, along with Back to Black & Poison Me Poison You. L'sWF is a nice grey with a very subtle shimmer to it, BtB & PMPY also have shimmer, though less subtle.
#280 London's Weather Forecast & #320 Back to Black |
Shimmer-time! #280 London's Weather Forecast |
#110 Poison Me Poison You |
And the swatches (I hope these are better than nothing!)
#280 London's Weather Forecast, #320 Back to Black & #110 Poison Me Poison You |
And last, my two favourites! Sold Out Forever is said to be a very close dupe to the famous Jade from Chanel - I don't have Jade to compare, but from what I've seen in other blogs it looks pretty darn close! Good enough for me, lol. I Sea You is a gorgeous dark mint creme with a light turqouise touch.
#240 Sold Out Forever & #250 I Sea You |
Sold Out Forever even has subtle shimmer, it's VERY pretty! I can't wait 'till I find an excuse to wear this one - it'll have to be soon!
SOF - very subtle, green shimmer - can you see it? |
#240 Sold Out Forever & #250 I Sea You |
All in all, my favourites are SOF, ISY and LWF... I'm a sucker for grey, mint green and turqouise shades.
I also want to show you the quick mani I did - I didn't have time to clean up my cuticles or all the mistakes from KONAD-ing, so bear with the grubby fingers! I had to use the little light that was left :)
KONAD m57 on H&M's Get a Rose 4 Me |
And the base was this GORGEOUS purplish pink from H&M, Get a Rose 4 Me ~
H&M's Get a Rose 4 Me |
It only took one coat to cover, which was awsome as I had little time left! If I weren't stamping, I would've used two, but one was sufficient with a pattern on top :) Get a Rose 4 Me is a very pretty pink with a purple touch to it - the colour is famously known as "granny-pink" in my family, LOL. It's not a bad thing, it's just a way of saying it's toned down compared to baby pink.
That's all I had to show for today! I'm planning for all my new GOSH polishes to feature my next post.
Until then, have a great time!
~ Vettelicious